Saturday, July 10, 2010

Post-Memorial Day Lunch with the Cousins (or, they came from New Jersey!) Part 2

(Pics from 05/31/2010)
En garde!

Chilling in the shade. . .

Uncle Eric deals with his double vision.

I thought "see food" wasn't kosher!

Now just gotta wait for it to snow. . .

Miri, Uncle Eric, Asher-man, Cousin Jay, Sara, and Grandma

Paul inspects his bubble wand.

Miri and Paul in "The Bubble Face-Off!"

Cousin Risa and Joss

Cousins Risa and Jay chilling with Joss


More balloons, please!

Grandpa knows that Groucho is a kid-magnet. . .

Sara Smile

How you doin'? Hey, how you doin'?

Sorry, sweetie, he's not a new toy. . .

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