Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Safta came up to go to the parade with us for the 4th of July!

Camped out in a wee patch of shade - hoping the parade is over before the shade is gone!

Paul holds his juice boxes by the "wings." (That keeps him from squeezing the sides and squirting half the box out of the straw. Juice box logistics are very important in our house.)

Safta has to support Joss' back - he only wants to sit up and look at everything!

People in revolutionary War costumes would periodically shoot off muskets, much to Paul's dismay. Joss didn't seem to notice them.

Euphonium in one arm, boy in the other, Daddy's got this parade thing down.

There was a really cool Chinese Dragon in the parade. Paul was, again, somewhat dismayed. Note him just about to scramble off Shawn's shoulders and run away. . .

Happy Birthday, America!

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