Friday, July 30, 2010


Last night, Joss startled himself awake with his own flatulence. *snicker*

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mommy's biggest nightmare. . .

. . .is Paul's bestest time ever! Before this Tuesday's concert, we went to a McD's with a "Playland" for dinner. Paul scoped out the structure, then climbed up and in and through! Mommy still sometimes wakes up in a cold sweat from nightmares of getting lost in a similar structure at Sesame Place, but Paul was gleeful and adventurous.

Mommy! Hi, Mommy!

Go Pats!

Mommy has been taking Grandma Shelly to her Monday physical therapy appointments (and afterwards, they do some luncheon therapy and then some retail therapy) down in Foxborough.

Finally something Joss did that Paul didn't do first - visit an empty Major Sporting Arena in the off-season.

Safta & Bubbie & Ice Cream

Mommy had just finished getting Paul dressed in his PJs when the side door slowly opened.
Who's there, Paul?
"Bubbie?! Bubbie is there!!"

Safta and Bubbie came up for a very short, if exhausting, visit over July 22-24. Paul and Joss were thrilled.

On a very hot, humid, and rainy Friday, Mommy, Safta, and Bubbie took Paul and Joss to Friendly's for lunch. There was a long wait, but Paul behaved very well, and enjoyed his lunch. . .and EYE KEEM!!

Bubbie tried to help him with a shorter spoon. "No help, Paul do!" he said, and so he did - with both spoons. At the same time.

Paul's First Visit to the Dentist!

On Thursday, July 22, 2010, Paul had his first visit to the dentist!

He loved the cuspidor, and spent the first several minutes filling cups with water and pouring them out again. . .

Are you ready to get started?

First, Brandi counted Paul's teeth - he has 20!
Then, she polished them with the buzzy thingy and some real tooth paste.

As a treat, Paul got to go out to dinner with Daddy and some of his team. Paul had the chicken fingers and a Sam's Summer Brew. (Just kidding, he's a Guiness man.)

Summer band concerts

During the summer, Daddy plays with the Lexington Bicentennial Band. They have wonderful family-friendly concerts in a park, and Paul is old enough to really have fun this year. . .
You try to get three kids to face the same direction at the same time. . .

Hi Grandma!

The only thing better than eating grapes with Cousin Asher is sitting on Grandpa's lap and eating grapes with Cousin Asher!

Asher likes to ask very politely if he can touch Baby Joss, and once given permission, uses one finger to pat Joss very gently on the head. It's adorable.

Between his cousin and his brother, Joss suddenly realizes he's in for a world of trouble.

At least it'll always be interesting for Joss with these two around!

Now you're getting it!

After the concert, and about 90 min past bed time, Paul first insisted on carrying Grandpa's chair on his back, then begged to be "all done."

(All pictures from the July 20, 2010 concert.)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Paul tells a joke

Paul: Knock, knock!
Mommy: Who's there?

P: Knock, knock!
M: Who's there?

P: Knock, knock!
M: Who's there?

P: Knock, knock!
M: Who's there?

P: Knock, knock!
M: Who's there?

P: Knock, knock!
M: Who's there?

. . .continue ad infinitum.
Knew we shouldn't have read him that "Godot Knock-Knock Jokes" book.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Civics Lesson #1

[Paul, putting change in a bank; Daddy, sitting and feeding Joss]

PAW: Look Daddy! Money!

Daddy: Who do you see on the money?

PAW: Face

Daddy: Who’s face do you see?

PAW? Daddy!

Daddy: No Paul, that’s George Washington, America’s first President. Do you know who the president is now?

PAW: Huh?

Daddy: The president’s name is Obama.

PAW (with a big grin): O-Gra-ma

[Mommy walks into room]

Mommy: Say “O”

PAW: Ohhhhh!

Mommy: Say “Ba”

PAW: Baaaaaaa

Mommy: Say “Ma”

PAW: Maaaaaaa

Mommy: Say “Obama”

PAW (laughing hysterically): O-Gra-Ma!!!!!!


Mommy: Who is the president, Paul?

PAW: Gramma Present!!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Food: Pears

Joss has been enthusiastically eating oatmeal for the past week. He opens his little bird-mouth and whimpers if the next spoonful isn't offered fast enough.

This solid-food thing is easy!

So, we decided to up the ante - and gave Joss some PEARS!

What do you think about your first fruit, Joss?

A little tart?

He hoovered down half a serving (and this was after a full serving of oatmeal) before the need to burp overrode his desire eat. I have a feeling he'll be gumming down burgers by the Labor Day BBQ. . .

Paul, who will not be left out of a photo-op, kept saying "cheese" as Daddy was taking pics of Joss until we finally captured his achievement of feeding himself an Italian ice. . .

Mmmmm. . .cold and sweet!

"Paul ate it aaalllll up!"


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Red Letter Day

Today Paul was a dinosaur at school (coincidentally, he was wearing his T-Rex t-shirt), and spent the morning roaring.

Then - this is big news - he pooped in the potty!! Wa-hoooooo!

After school, Daddy took Paul to dinner, where he ate (most of) a slice that was bigger than his head!
Since Daddy's band concert was cancelled due to imminent rain, and the rain hadn't come quite yet, Paul and Daddy got to play on slides and swings and climb a big rock at the playground.

Then Dino-Paul came home and took a bath with "my Joss!" Every time Joss kicked and splashed, Paul cracked up, which made Mommy laugh, too.

Not a bad day, huh?

Joss confuses "play gym" with "buffet"

Paul and Georgia Play Doctor

By which I mean he refuses to bill her insurance directly since he is not in network and ends up sending her to collections when she decides to sue him for malpractice since she had a bad reaction to being non-compliant with his medical advice. Kids, today. . .

July 11, 2010

Trying to take a nice picture of Safta and the boys is not easy.

First, Paul was feeling non-cooperative. . .

(Hmm, wonder where he gets that look from, huh, Mommy?)

. . .then both Paul and Safta were not cooperating. . .

. . .then Joss was tired of cooperating. . .

. . . Oh, wait! That's it! That'll work. . .

. . .and now Paul's a bunny rabbit. *sigh*

July 10, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa Visit

On July 9, 2010, Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Steve came over for Pizza Night and to hang out with Paul and Joss.

Thanks for the Jumparoo tips, big brother!

Aye-Oh! Oh-Aye!

How you doin'?