Saturday, November 13, 2010

Paul Speaks

Mommy: Do you want eggs or french toast?
Paul: French toast
(little while later as Mommy cooks french toast)
P: I'm hungry Mommy!
M: I'm almost done making your french toast, babycakes.
P: No want cakes, want french toast!
M: You ARE my babycakes, and I'm making you french toast.
P: No want french toast, want babycakes!
Daddy: *laugh*
M: *sigh*

Since Paul's language has improved, and he's three, he says some pretty funny things (well, we think they're funny). I'll try to record his brain musings under the title "Paul Speaks." We'll see how that goes.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Paul feed Joss!

In between getting shots and feeling sick, Paul had a blast snacking on samples in Costco. Since Joss couldn't share in the sweet corn/lentil soup/bbq chicken/guacamole/stuffed french toast picnic, Paul helped him with a snack Joss could enjoy.
Paul's much better at feeding Joss now, and Joss is better at being fed.

Doctor's visit - Joss' 9 months, Paul's 3 years

Both boys shared a check-up appointment today. Joss enjoyed his weigh-in. He's gained nearly two pounds in the past three months, and grew an inch and a half taller. Uncorrected for gestational age, he's in the 10-20% for height and weight; corrected, he's in the 50-75%. Head circumference is still in the 90%.
Paul has also grown nicely this year. He's gained 5 pounds and grew 4 and a half inches. His language development is just fine. When the Dr. mentioned to the resident (who was observing the exams) how Paul has good flexibility in his forefeet, Paul piped up, "I only have TWO feet." Clever boy.
Both boys took their vaccination and flu-shots with surprising stoicism, barely crying and recovering quickly. They were also awesome getting blood drawn for lead tests and, for Paul, platelets (his counts are great).
Paul developed fever and body aches this afternoon, most likely a reaction to the shots. Joss seems symptomless so far, but he'll need a booster flu-shot next month.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


*reference point*

Sometimes, we get a little silly. . .

Other times, like last night at bath time, we get a LOT silly. . .

Paul was cracking up, Joss was hysterical watching Paul, and Mommy couldn't stop laughing.

Joss does his Trainspotting impression, but is more cute than creepy.

Oh! Big News! PAUL POOPED ON THE POTTY! At HOME!! He's done it a few times at school, but not at home! YAY!

Paul goes back on the wagon.

New Food: Pancakes //Happy 9th Luniversary!!

Mommy made pancakes for breakfast last Sunday - which was Joss' 9th Luniversary!!

Eat it like this! Om nom nom nom!

Um, I dunno. . .

Holy pancake, this stuff is good!

Happy Luniversary, darling Joss! In the past two weeks, you have grown so much! You can sit up on your own, which means you have been playing with toys. You love blocks and cups, but most of all you adore grabbing at everything which is not a toy. Not-toys are your favoritist toys of all.

You eat baby food, 2-3 meals a day and you prefer orange veggies to green, and fruit above veggies. You like to stuff your mouth with little star-puffs, and are getting better at picking them up one at a time. You've gnawed at a bagel, nibbled on a pancake, and cheese and yogurt are in your imminent future (after your check-up on Friday). You can hold your own bottle, which is awesome, and you can grab Mommy's breast to nurse, which is a little less awesome, from a "baby nails are razor sharp" perspective.

You are very social. You love to laugh, and peek-a-boo is very funny to you. You adore your big brother, and think he's freaking hysterical. You are fine with other people (Grandma, Safta, friends) as long as you can't see Mommy, and are well fed and rested. The moment you are a little bit tired, and Mommy comes into frame, she's the only one who will do. You are cuddly and sweet, except when you are flailing and screaming.

We love you very much! Happy 9th Luniversary!

You still prefer standing up to being on your belly, and Mommy's concerned that you'll be walking before you crawl, and you'll miss out on the fine-motor development that somes from bearing weight on your hands and wrists.

Laughing Joss!

Dear Gerber,

Thank you.



Joss Enjoyed his First Swim Class

On Wednesday, November 3, Joss got to go to his first swim class! Of course, it was really cold for the first time this season, so Mommy had to bundle him up like an arctic explorer for the journey. Joss didn't seem to mind.

Joss was terrific; he's a complete natural in the water. Class consisted of Mommy and Joss bobbing in the pool, trying to keep warm (water was only 82 degrees) with several other mommies and babies.

After class, and after getting showered and dressed, Mommy sat Joss on a waterproof mat on the locker room floor while she gathered their things. An 11-month old girl crawled over to say hello. . .pushed Joss over, and he hit his poor head on the floor. =(

He calmed down once he was settled in his stroller with a warm blanket and bottle of breast milk, and was comfortably asleep before we left the building.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Halloween

We went to a party at James and Kayla's house for Halloween - but neglected to take many pictures.

Paul enjoyed getting "juiced."

And M&M Joss had fun not interacting with Monkey Kayla.

Hanging out with Uncle Adam and Aunt Jill

On Sunday, October 31, 2010, we stopped by Uncle Adam and Aunt Jill's house on our way back to Boston. After brunch (yummy pancakes!), the menfolk went to the basement to hit the skins, by which I mean play on the drums.

Luckily, Paul seems to have inherited his Daddy's sense of rhythm. . .

Sadie had to get in the picture, too. Paul was able to run when Sadie's affection became too. .. abundant, but poor Joss had no idea what to do with all the doggie kisses!

This is my new day care?!?

Sharing is caring.

Joss loved his Uncle enough to NOT barf in his mouth.

Nate's Party

Saturday, October 30, 2010, was Nate's first birthday party! Here he is with his mommy, Cindy. They are not this blurry in real life. Not usually, anyway.

Paul LOVED Nate's birthday present from his Oma and Opa. . .

He told me he was flying to the airport to go to the dentist to play and count his teeth and get them clean. I swear that's what he told me.

M&Ms for life.

Sorry we didn't get any pictures of Paul in his full dino costume - with gloves and hat - or of Daddy in his Bert outfit.

Joss' first bagel

Halloween weekend, we went down to Safta's house - only Safta was in Florida visiting Bubbie Barbara, so it was a little weird being in her house without her in it. However, Mommy made eggs for breakfast, and Daddy had bought bagels, so we managed to get by. . .

Joss loved gnawing on his first bagel!

Paul was pleased with his breakfast, too.

Then, he got down to business with stickers, paper, and markers.

Our littlest Buckeye

O! H! I!


Found my feets!

Smiley boy!

October 28, 2010


Safta got Paul costumes for his birthday - an elephant and a cow!

Somebody's got my tail!


Safta gave Joss the shivers. . .and he'll get the costumes as hand-me-downs. =)

Happy 3rd Birthday Paul!

Paul's brownie cake - click here for the official birthday post.

(Bonus Naked Joss Pic)

Safta stole Mommy's nap!

October 22, 2010

You might be a redneck. . .if your piano is up on cinder blocks!

Mommy wanted to decorate the front window for Halloween, while Joss played nicely on the rug with some toys. Mommy pushed the piano on it's casters over a few inches, like she's done every time she's decorated the window for the past few years. Only this time, the piano moved, but the piano leg did not. The leg screws ripped out, and the piano fell. . .thankfully onto the plastic toy storage drawer units!

Joss was quite almost a piano sammitch. Mommy panicked for a few minutes, moved Joss away from the piano, and called Shawn. . .who had her call the piano tuner, Doug Tybor. Who was on vacation, and didn't get the messages until after Daddy came home and propped the piano up with cinder blocks.

Mr. Tybor called us back as soon as he could, and told Daddy that he did the right thing. Once he returned from vacation, Mr. Tybor came over with his piano-jack, and repaired the piano leg.

Paul, by the way, is no longer permitted to play underneath the piano. There are, after all, two other legs which were not repaired. . .yet. . .