Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Paul!

Darling Paul - you are three years old!! You talk in (often complicated) sentences, are a kind and conscientious big brother, and have (just this weekend) given up your beloved binky. We're still working on the potty training, but nobody's perfect. You have learned to swim (with a floaty-bubble thingy), and sing songs about the fall. You are often stubborn and aggravatingly single-mindedly focused on nonessential tasks (you get that from both sides of your parentage), but your are just as often loving and funny and helpful. You love hugs and kisses and fart jokes. You are a wonderful boy, and we are proud to be your parents. Happy Birthday, Paul. This is going to be a great year.

Presents from Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Steve - for Paul, but delivered on Daddy's birthday! Is that crazy or what? Crazy awesome!

Then, on Paul's birthday proper, Safta came over to visit and decorate the hallway by his bedroom with streamers and balloons and cheerful dinosaur signs. Paul's swim class all sang Happy Birthday to him, and Mommy made pizza and a brownie cake for dinner!

Blow out the candles, Paul!

Laughing at something Joss was doing. . .

On Sunday, we had Paul's birthday party at a playgym, with most of his day care class and a few more non-daycare friends. Paul loved just hanging out. . .

. . .and being a dinosaur on parade!

Balls are very funny. The "leader" called for the kids to put the ball on their noses. Most of the kids brought the ball up to their faces. Paul put the ball on the floor and bent over to put his nose on it. Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle Eric thought that was hi-larious.

More candles to blow out! This time on mini cupcakes - yummmm!

After a very nice 2 hour nap, it was time to open presents - oh the fun and paper carnage!

Catching Up

Sorry for the glut of posts. It's been. . .busy around here. I feel awful for the missed milestones, and developmental changes gone unannotated, but at least my FarmVille is well tended. So. We're up to the current month now, so there's that. More October to come. . .but first, a quick jump ahead. . .

Joss in the Bath

September 29, 2010

Trying to make a break for it. . .

I gotta get out of this chair! Maybe if I twist this strap like this, and pull on this tab. . .

Uh, what?

Oh no! I've been made! Where to hide?!?!?

September 29, 2010

Joss, and a little bit of Paul

Joss enjoys sitting up now. . .

. . .and trying to get his toys into his mouth. . .

. . .by any means possible.

Paul wants to be in the picture too - cheese!

Hey - this is Joss' photo-op.

September 29, 2010

Um. . .yeah.

September 27, 2010

Paul is a good big brother and role model. Really.

Hey Joss! You look bored sitting in your play-pen surrounded by age and developmentally appropriate toys. Here is a giant, under-inflated excercise ball!

No, really - take it!

Mommy? Hand stuck.

Mommy done broked the boys.

September 24, 2010
Both boys were exhausted, Joss from babysitting at the Y, and Paul from his first swimming class. (The wet on his pants was from a leaky cup of water, btw.)

Joss and Paul and some of their many talents

Joss, like his brother and father, loves the piano.

Look ma - an octave!

Paul is a fabulous pretend-chef.

He even uses recipes.

Joss' 7 Month, 2 Week, 1 Day-iversary!

Alas, poor Joss, you are a second child. While we love you every bit as much as we do your brother, we do have less time on hand to remember to celebrate milestone's on their exact dates. . .or to post to the blog on a timely basis. But what we lack in time, we make up for with. . .well, we love you very, very much. Happy 7 month, 2 week, 1 day-iversary (on September 22, 2010), darling boy.

"New" Stroller

Mommy took Joss out in Paul's old stroller. . .and he really enjoyed the new point of view!

September 22, 2010. (Sorry - cruddy cell phone pic.)

Paul's haircut in the tub!

We decided to buzz Paul's head in the bathtub.
Here's the before:

Paul doesn't seem to mind the noise of the clippers. . .

Paul did NOT like the hair all over his arms. . . and chest. . . and back. . .

We were all thrilled with the final result.

Who is this?

Safta and Bubbie visit!

Bubbie and Safta came up to visit for a few days between Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur.

Safta loves getting Joss dressed after his bath. Yummy clean baby!

Bubbie reads to Paul after his bath.

Bubbie loves her Joss.

And Joss loves his Bubbie.

Safta confuses Joss for a hat. It happens from time to time.

Joss gets to ride the pony!

Joss and the Cereal


Why do you keep feeding me this. . .stuff?

September 12, 2010

Ode to the Binky

Sorry this is so dark. . .

Sept 8, 2010

Rosh Hashannah Dinner with Friends - Sept 9, 2010

We had a lot of friends over for the first day of Rosh Hashannah. Joss was thrilled to have a like-sized playmate. . .

. . .just too excited, I guess. . .

The pic is blurry, but gives the all-toy, all-the-time feel of our living room - even after cleaned up for guests.

We were very happy to hang out with Kara, Quinn, and Georgia for the last time before they left for "Sandy Eggo." We miss you guys!!

Reiko, Mike, Kayla and James.

Aviv, Emily, and Ilan.

Aptima Babies - they come early, come with complications, or both, but darn, are they cute!