Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Helping Hands

Paul helped Grandma give Joss a bottle today. . .
The video is about 2.5 minutes and kind of drags in the middle (to be honest), but the best part is near the end, about 1:55ish.

Narcissist in Training

As soon as mommy tilted the mirror so Joss could see his reflection, he began smiling. . .

Joss is a swinger!

Random Paul Pic Round-up

Paul pins daddy FTW! ("For The Win")
If you look closely, you can see the bubble on his head!
Paul's trying to fill Grandpa's slippers. . .

Hanging out at Grandma & Grandpa's - part 2

Joss chills with Grandpa the day before the Bris. . .
. . .while Paul, Daddy, and Cousin Asher hit the playground.

Hanging out at Grandma & Grandpa's

I gotta be meeeeeeee!
We gotta be weeeeeee!
No, sweetheart, we're not getting a cat. Enjoy Groucho at Grandma's house.
Eye keem!
Must. Use. All. Possible. Colors. AT THE SAME TIME!!!

The long-promised Brit Milah pictures.

There are many far more excellent pictures over here, with thanks to Adam Solomon.

He has NO idea, does he?
We all prepare for a Bris in our own way. . .
Cousin Sophia enjoys a snuggle before the main event.
Sorry, buddy. Here goes nothing. . .
Little Ilan tells Joss to man up - been there, done that!

Click here for the video - it's like being there, but with less trauma, er, simcha. Yeah, simcha.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Joss' Bris

On April 11, 2010, we welcomed Joss Nathaniel to the Jewish Community. Thanks to all the family and friends who attended; your love and support is invaluable.

More pictures to come (with thanks to Adam Solomon), in the meantime, here's a 25 minute video (Thanks a million, Mike Feinberg):

Joss' Bris from Shawn Weil on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

8 week check-up

Joss had an excellent 8 week check-up today! He's grown over a pound and a half in the past 2 weeks (no wonder mommy is so tired) and is at the top of the growth curve for weight, height, and cute, er, head circumference.

He grabbed the measuring tape as the PA tried to take his measurements, and absolutely refused to let it go. Like, serious baby death-grip. He has a teeny hernia behind his belly button, but like his heart murmur (oh yeah, he has a little murmur - got the work-up in the NICU last month) it's benign and both should resolve themselves as he grows.
How to take the measure of a man.
C'mon measuring tape! Let's make a run for it!!

Joss is the exact same height and has the same head circumference as his brother did at 8 weeks. Joss "talks" a lot more than Paul did at this age, but like Paul, is only really fussy when he's gassy and when he's hungry (knock wood, spit at the evil eye).

Paul is always excited to say good morning to Joss, and eager to give his brother kisses when he comes home from daycare, and only steals Joss' blankets and toys some of the time.

Just Joss

GQ Pose #476 - Raise hand, look into distance.
Dance, lil monkey!
Don't tell Indigo Montoya, but we've found the 6-fingered baby. . .
3PO! Shut down the trash compactor!!
To dream the impossible dreeeaaaaammmm!
Happy 2nd Luniversary!

Sunshine day

Saturday, April 3, Daddy grabbed fate by the throat and took both boys so Mommy could sleep (ooh-de-lolly!). They all went to play at Sonia and Kavi's house.

Paul and Kavi checking out the Jeep.
Hey - no drinking and driving!
Paul is navigator while Sonia drives - lets all hope he can read maps better than his Mommy!
Eliana, of Saffron and Cinnamon who is catering the bris, discusses the procedure with Joss. The procedure for making tapas, small bites. Sheesh.


Our friends Jeff and Erica stopped by to visit us on their way to NH to see a man about a dog. Paul went to their wedding in 2008, but this was their first time meeting Joss.

Where did Paul go? All I see are crayons!

Tantrums at the playground.

Last Friday, Grandma Shelly helped Mommy take Paul and Joss on a brief outing to the park where Paul swung (swang?) on swings, rode on toy cars, slid down slides, and threw tantrums whenever possible.Me tantrum? Naw!
Joss was remarkably calm throughout the ordeal, er, outing. Schadenfreude or just being an infant? Only time will tell. . .

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Paul, the Piano Man

Here are two videos - note the difference between the first, where Paul was unaware of being observed. . .

. . .and the second, where he's playing to an audience.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another First: Ladders!

Paul has learned how to climb ladders. It started with his cousin's bunk bed, and now he can't get enough of them!

We call it "Paul-nocculation."

Within moments of coming home from school, Paul insisted it was his turn to hold Joss. Then, Paul made the ultimate gesture of brotherly love, and shared his binky with Joss. . .whether Joss wanted to or not. . .

The Paul Trap!

Can't believe we forgot to post "The Paul Trap" sequence!