Sunday, September 29, 2013

Best of FB - Sept 2013 Edition

Here are some kid related highlights from our FB threads in September. We've got some funny kids!

  • Upon hearing that Grandma Rochelle and Grandpa Steve are leaving tomorrow morning, Paul says "I'm going to miss them 148%." Joss asks if we can visit then the day after tomorrow. 
  • Have I mentioned that every time Paul makes his own Lego creations they are perfectly symmetrical. That's not weird, right?
  • Paul: Daddy, there's a spider. Don't do it any harm because it's not harming us.......Ok, it's harming us now. Can you come here?
    • Beren, a minute and a half later: No, we are NOT having a PET SPIDER!!!!
  • Joss just fell out of bed with quite the thunk and cry. I grabbed him up for kisses and comfort, and asked him what happened. He wailed, "I...don't...KNOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW."
  • Paul just fell asleep, sitting up on the couch, watching Superman. Probably because he was up somewhat before 5am today. Sorry no pics - we just scooped and plopped him into bed.
  • Just scraped 3-years worth of dried up Play-Doh out of the Play-Doh burger press with an awl, so I can count today as being productive.

Meeting the Trees

Paul is learning about trees in school. What better way to learn than by seeing awesome trees firsthand at The Arnold Arboretum!

Pretending they weren't just fighting.

A "chair" tree!

This water fountain is funny!!!

Paul the photographer

The three of us. 

Paul poses

Joss is a bad guy

Trees are great for hiding
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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bedtime Reading

Amy and Matthew came over for the OSU win over Wisconsin. Bedtime = storytime!
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Friday, September 27, 2013

When I'm in My Fifties

Paul wakes me up at 4:45 am. He wants to start the day.

P: Dad - can I put some of my artwork on my bulletin board?

S: (sleepily) Uh, okay?

P: Dad come quick! Look at my picture. When I'm in my fifties there won't be any dump trucks. Only "Bonagrators." You know, helicopter dump trucks! And here is where the lava makes the cement hard before it comes out! And guess what. You know what that blue us? It's coal falling from the sky. And that's all of it. 

S: Very nice, dear. (goes back to sleep, thinking about helicopter dump trucks)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Apples and Pumpkins - 2013 Edition

Fall means pumpkins and apples. We headed to our favorite orchard and found the last of the honeycrisp and macoon varieties. Mmmm.

Crossing the bridge

I found the Honeycrisps!

Let's take a break for a tasting.

Joss is full of apple-y goodness.

Time to do tractor things.

On to the pumpkin patch - smile... grimace!

I'm the king of the pumpkins! 

Back at home, the slicing begins.
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We have so many apples from apple picking. Let's make apple sauce!

First we cut the apples.

Then we cook them.

The watched apple sauce boils eventually.

Stir and mash...

...and stir and mash! 
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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Victorian Fair - 2013

Melrose holds a Victorian Fair every year - named for the prominant Victorian era homes around town. It is a chance for the local clubs and businesses to reach out to residents.

Paul and Joss hide in the doghouse at the library book sale. This was part of the display for the summer reading program - and they hadn't been allowed to touch it all summer.

Paul starts to learn chess. Joss is already in checkmate.

Paul wants to do Lego robotics. Do you blame him? Looks awesome!

Kissing mommy in the Tangerine Crafts booth.

Joining the Army

Reading time with Jodi at the end of the day 
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Friday, September 6, 2013

Rosh Hashana 2013

Grandma is an Imperial Stormtrooper


And Apple Crisp

Mmmmm...Rosh Hashana with the family 
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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary

Paul had a run in with a curious kitty. To cut to the end, there was nothing wrong with Paul's eye - but we were a bit scared for a few minutes. On eruv Rosh Hashana, Joss accidentally hit Paul in the eye with a monkey tail. The next night, his eye was hit again by his cousin kitty Lizzy. When we saw tears of blood we decided it was time to go to the Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary. Uncle Eric patched him up - and as we were leaving, Paul said "No!!!!!! I want to eat!!!!!"

Patched in the waiting room.

How does this work?

Paul Hulk Smash!

Doc looks at my eye. Just a burst blood vessel. No scratch.

Cool machine!
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