Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Best of FB - July 2013 Edition

Here are some kid related highlights from our FB threads in July. We've got some funny kids!

Paul (age 5 2/3): Daddy, did you know that before a baby is in a mommy's belly, it's an egg?!?
Shawn: That's right. Who told you that?
P: I read it in the human body book at school.
S: Hmmm...did you learn anything else?
P: Something comes together with the egg to make the baby, but I'm not sure what. It looked like a balloon though.
S: Well...I think you and I are going to need to have a little talk...

Paul had some trouble in school yesterday. A child was laying on the floor, and Paul abruptly jumped on top of him. They child was stunned but not hurt. Paul "lost a sticker" for this behavior - bad news. When we asked him why he did what he did, he said "He looked like a chair - so I sat on him!"

Paul, to another child at the pool: "My full name is Paul Andrew Weil. There are three things you can call me: Paul, Pauly, and Paully-Waully-Doodle-All-The-Day."

Beren cooked dinner in a fetching little witch hat, because Joss insisted it be so.

Beren: Look, I made a lego snake!
5yr old: That's not a snake.
Beren: Use your imagination.
5yr old: I'm imagining you not doing that anymore.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Concerts with the LBB

The best part of the Lexington Bicentennial Band Concerts?
Playing dad's euphonium.

And snuggling together.
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Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fierce Looking Guests

Beren and Amy rocked the house at Videodrome Discotheque - Bowie night of course. That meant...playtime!


Meanwhile, Joss was learning about the joys of potty training. Now he gets to read the magazines.

Pants AND underware. Why? Don't know.

A beautiful portrait
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Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4th Parade

Here comes daddy!
Getting closer...

Here you are!

We're ready to cheer.

Kids love clowns. Mommy, not so much.
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