Monday, May 3, 2010

Paul at the Res' - Part 1

Weekend before last, we all drove down to NY to visit Safta Sheila. Saturday, after Shul, Daddy, Safta, and Paul went seeking playgrounds. . .

So, from what I was told, Paul was at the top of the slide, and a slightly older girl grew impatient and pushed him down it. See picture below. Paul climbed back up the slide, and sat there, stubbornly unmoving, as the girl grew increasingly agitated, until Daddy had to climb up andremove him. (While I know we should discourage him from seeking retaliation, this sounds exactly like something I would have done. . . heck, would still do.)

1 comment:

Euphman said...

Nope - he sat there stubbornly until I went up there to remove him. We wasn't going to move for anyone's convenience!