Monday, May 17, 2010

Compare/Contrast: Three Month Edition

Joss at 3 months:
Paul at 3 months:
Paul was smiling a little more often than Joss does, although Joss is smiling now, and is quite charming when he does.
Joss lost almost all of his reddish newborn hair, and has fuzz-of-indeterminate-color growing in; Paul still had a head of very dark brown dandelion fluff.
Paul was generally very quiet, except when he was crying; Joss moans and grunts and coos and vocalizes rather often.
Both boys had/have witching hours in the evening, where they cry/ed inconsolably for no apparent reason for 30-90 minutes unless they were/are held in ultra-specific positions (example: on belly over parent's knee at a precise angle with an exact frequency of bouncing and/or back patting).
Both boys were/are good nursers and bottle eaters - no "nipple confusion" for these guys, and both are cuddly and delicious, and stay crunchy in milk.

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