Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Fun - Saturday

We decided to take advantage of the good weather with some fun family activities! On Saturday, we went to a fair in nearby Winchester. Paul was just tall enough for some of the kiddy rides. He rode this train twice!
We met up with Sonia, Kavi, and their daddy Talib at the fair. Kavi is a bit too small for the rides, so Daddy took Paul and Sonia on the spinning Dragon while Kavi, Joss, Talib and Mommy waved and cheered.
After hotdogs and hamburgers, Paul, Sonia, and Kavi got to ride the "wiggle worm."
This picture isn't the best representation of Paul on the ride - he was having a blast!

There was also a book sale at the fair, and Mommy found a hard-back book of the movie Annie - complete with movie stills. Paul loved the book, had daddy read it at bedtime, and woke up several times during the night to "read" it himself.

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