Sunday, May 9, 2010

Joss' 3rd Luniversary!

Happy 3 months Joss! The first half was a little rocky, but these past few weeks have come together nicely. Joss is now a whopping 12.1 pounds - in the 25th percentile, up from 4th percentile 6 weeks ago. He is 23 inches long (16%, up from 9%), and his lovely round head is a gigantic 16.25 inches - 53rd percentile (up from 9%).
Joss enjoys a good swing - sometimes for up to an hour or longer!
Joss has his "witching hours" in the evenings, where a day's worth of accumulated gas give him tummy aches and crying jags. Once the gas is passed, however, Joss likes to grab a last meal, and then will sleep anywhere from 4-6 hours at night, waking to eat around 3-4am, then going back to sleep until 7ish.
Joss had been noticing the world around him, and is often contented to lay back, kick his legs, wave his arms, and watch the world go by. Well, as long as someone (usually his Mommy) is real near by - Joss is a social boy, and does not like to be left alone, even for a minute.
Most of the wispy reddish hair he was born with has fallen out, and a light fuzz of indeterminate color is growing in. any bets on whether it'll be blond like his brother, dark like him mommy & daddy, or red like the pool boy?
Paul is a conscientious and attentive big brother. He loves saying good morning to Joss, and gets the baby a binky and sings lullabies when Joss is crying.

Happy third luniversary, darling Joss! We love you!

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