Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Food: Sweet Potatoes

Hey Joss! You look great in your highchair!

Wanna try something new?

Sweet Potatoes!

What do you think?

Glad you liked them so much!

Joss eagerly ate about 3/4 of a serving of sweet potatoes, thickened with a little baby oatmeal. He seemed fine and dandy for a few hours - played, nursed, played some more. Then Mommy picked him up and began to walk to the kitchen. . .and Joss barfed up most of his dinner all down Mommy's arm and back and the floor.

While Mommy froze in shock and disgust, Daddy hung up on his work conference call, scooped up a somewhat confused Joss, and sent Mommy to the shower. After Daddy cleaned Joss' face and hands, changed Joss' clothes, and began to redial his work call. . .Joss barfed again. *sigh* I think we'll skip the solids for a day, and try again Thursday.

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