Saturday, August 7, 2010

6th Luniversary!!

Oh, Joss, what a big, sweet boy you are!

6 months ago, you came into this world as such a surprise - so tiny, so fragile.

Now you can sit (supported), eat your toes (which are quite tasty). . .

. . .grab at objects - everything ends up in your mouth. . .

. . .you are cuddly and chubby. . .

. . .you love your Mommy and Daddy, and can't keep your eyes off of your brother (devotion or caution?). . .

. . .and you can roll over, front to back!

When you are hungry, you are HUNGRY, and if you're not fed IMMEDIATELY, you let everyone in a mile radius know of your displeasure. You nurse like a champ now, and you need to "explore" with one arm as you eat - you grab at mommy's shirt, face, and hair when nursing, and at the bottle and hand of whoever else is feeding you.

You're still working on solids - you like to eat them, but not to digest them. It's hard to remember that your system is technically only 4.5 months old, especially since you have the appetite of a lumberjack.

You fight sleep with every fibre of your being - it's rare for you to nap for more than 15-20min at a time, and most evenings end with a 20-45min crying jag.

You also love to be tickled and have mommy nibble at your cheeks.

We're so happy to have you in our family. Happy half year, my lovely monkey-butt.

Click here for Paul at 6 months.

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