Monday, August 16, 2010

Joss' 6 month Doctor Visit

On August 10, 2010, Joss had his 6-month check up, and he is doing very well. He behaves in some aspects as a 6 month old, and in other ways like a 4.5 month old, which is is corrected age. This is most evident with his reaction to solid foods - interested, but his system is just not quite mature enough to digest it well yet. His height and weight is 10th percentile uncorrected, but quite wonderfully average when corrected. His head is still large (not in any way a concern, just on the larger side of the bell curve. Like an orange on a toothpick.)

He was playful and cheerful throughout the appointment, until his vaccinations. Even then, he recovered very quickly and was very sweet until later at night, when the shots caught up with him, and Tylenol was administered as needed.

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