Saturday, April 25, 2009

18-month check up!

Paul had his 18th lunaversary on Wednesday, and his 18-month dr appointment on Friday. As seems to be usual, he snacked his way through the visit. . .pretzel sticks everywhere. . .
Paul gained a pound (26.6# which is the 60th percentile for weight), and grew about an inch (32" which is 41st percentile for height), and his head circumference increased a bit, too (18.8" which is the 64th percentile for head circ). He also got one more vaccination, which he took like a champ - cried for 12 seconds, then back to the pretzels.

The bad news is that Paul's doctor is moving back to Colorado to be closer to her family. I guess that's good news for her and her family, but we're going to miss her! Good luck with everything, Dr. Barron - you're a great pediatrician!!

After his appointment, Paul and mommy went to the mall to get mommy jeans. Paul was very good in the store, and ate about half of Mommy's food court taco afterwards.
We stopped at the used book store that now occupies what was Waldenbooks. Paul had a great time running off all those pretzels and the taco, and had a grand time knocking over a little yellow folding chair, and setting it back up again (frequently with huge heavy-lifting grunting noises).

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