Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sick again, sick again, jiggidy jig.

Paul's got a fever - fever! Fever in the morning, fever when I hold him tight. Fever! kiss his keppie - fever all through the night. . .

Yup - hours after finishing a course of amoxicillin, Paul develops a 102.9 temp again. Since Shawn is on travel, I had to schlep Paul into work with me for a few hours while I got some details taken care of for my coworkers. Despite his expression, he enjoyed the half bagel and a cheese stick he ate as I made phone calls and filed.

Back to the pediatrician tonight!


Euphman said...

Feel better, pookie!

Emily said...

Oh, poor baby, and poor parents. Hope he's better soon. In the meantime, you have a nice toasty place to warm your cold hands.