Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The most beautiful band-aid in the world.

During dinner, I bumped something with my thumb, and said "ow." Paul, needing to know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING asked, "Why you say Ow, Mommy?"

I showed him the minor cut I managed to self-inflict earlier today, and said that I had a boo-boo.

Paul nodded sympathetically, and said that I needed a band-aid.

After his bath, and once he was dressed, we went into the bathroom to cut his toenails (see post below), brush his teeth, and apply band-aids to his day-old scraped knee and my sore thumb.

With intense focus, Paul carefully peeled apart the outer wrapper of the Curious George band-aid he chose for me (refusing outright my suggestion of a plain bandage), and delicately removed the tabs from the sticky parts. He then gently placed the center of the band-aid over my boo-boo, and firmly wrapped the band-aid around my thumb.

"That feels better now, Mommy."

Yes, it does Paul, thank you. And now I have a little ache right in my heart.


Susie Q said...

Whenever I need to read a 'happy kid' story, there you are with a story. Sounds like you have a future medical professional growing up.

Susie Q said...

Whenever I need a 'happy kid' story, there you are with a story. You have a caring child & maybe a future medical professional?
