Friday, February 4, 2011

Playdate in Providence

On Sunday, January 30th, we were like masochists in Newport - Rhode Island bound. We met up with Cousins Selene and Rich for lunch, and bid adieu at dinner to some friends who are moving to Spain. In between, we had an awesome playdate with Lea and Brian and Amelia!

We last saw Lea and Brian way back in July 2009, when Amelia was about the size of a blueberry and Joss was the size of a two week bigger blueberry.

Now they are ginormous baby-people who play in ball pits!

Amelia loved patting Joss on the head. . .

. . .and mugging for the camera.

Oh, and spontaneously breaking out into the Thriller dance.

Lea and Daddy watching Amelia and Joss playing.

FLIP BOOK TIME! Print out the next 3 pictures, staple them together, and flip the corners to watch Joss in motion! Go ahead, we'll wait.

It's like an Anne Geddes Valentine picture, only without making any money.

Thanks for the wonderful playdate!!

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