Friday, February 25, 2011

Irene comes to visit!

Mommy's friend-from-waaaay-back Amanda, who we last saw Summer of '09, was enjoying her President's Week break in the Boston area, and came over to visit with her husband, Dave, and daughter Irene. It was great catching up and comparing parenting notes, especially since Irene is going to become a big sister in a few months.

Paul dished the "oldest sib" dirt over a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs.

What you do not see in this picture is the utter chaos of the rest of the front room, the result of lots of great playing by the 3.5, 2.5, and 1 year old masters (and mistress) of disaster. =)

Bath time! Difference between boys and girls: Irene immediately began to gently wash Joss. Paul has NEVER tried to "wash" Joss, but he has dumped many gallons of water on Joss' head.

Joss has begun the phase where he needs to pull himself up everywhere, even in the slippery bathtub.

Post-bath hugs with Dave, Irene, and Paul.

We had a great time seeing you all - hope to meet up again soon!

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