Sunday, December 26, 2010

Paul Speaks

Collected over the past few weeks. . .

Leaving the YMCA after swimming lessons on a fairly cold afternoon:
YMCA Lady: Goodbye!
Paul: I'm going home to have some hot chocolate! (Paul pronounces each syllable carefully - cho-ko-lat.) I loooooove hot chocolate!
Y: Me too!
Paul takes a few steps towards the door, then turns around.
P: It's hot!
Another few steps towards the door, then


Daddy: Do you think Mommy and I look the same?
Paul: You look like eggs.


D: What do you think about Santa Claus?
P: Santa is a big, big, big, big, giant robot.


While changing a dirty diaper:
Mommy: You ate so many carrots, your poop is orange.
Paul: Want celery!
M: You want celery?
P: Yeah! Want to make poop GREEN!!

1 comment:

Josh said...

You look like eggs. Ha!