Sunday, February 7, 2010


This morning, as Daddy was sitting on an airplane waiting for take-off, Mommy decided the funny cramps she was having were contractions! Yes, it was 6 weeks, 1 day early for contractions, which is why Daddy was thinking this last trip to CA would be no problem.

Mommy called the doctor, and Mommy called our good friends Kara and Brendan (Georgia's parents) who came right over.

In the meantime, Mommy changed Paul's very dirty diaper - while in labor. Mommy is hard core.

After Georgia and Kara arrived to play with Paul, but before Brendan drove Mommy to the hospital, Daddy managed to sneak in one more phone call before actually taking off (wa-hoo for airplane delays!). Mommy told Daddy to get off the plane, and he did. Daddy actually made it to the hospital before Mommy did.

After establishing that this was indeed labor, and that Mommy was 4cm dialated, Mommy was moved to a delivery room where she was reunited with her best friend, Epidural. This is Mommy hanging out with Epi:
After some resting and phone calls, Mommy began to feel pain through the epidural. The anesthesiologist gave her a little more medicine, and said it would take about 10 minutes to really kick in. Well, that was 8 minutes too long, because Mommy felt the urge to push, and about 90 seconds later, at 1:29pm on Sunday, February 7, 2010, Joss Nathaniel joined us, apparently in quite the hurry.
Joss was 5lbs, 4.8oz and 18.5 inches long, and had Apgar scores of 8/9. He was very blue the moment he arrived, but pinked up quickly, and cried very nicely until the NICU nurses got him all wrapped up and warm.
Once Mommy could feel her feet again (that extra dose of medicine did kick in. . .too much too late, but there you go), she and Daddy got to go to the NICU to visit Joss. We couldn't pick him up yet, but he was breathing all on his own.
First (almost) Family Picture!!
Because he is a festering blizzard of germs and destructive capability, Paul will not be able to see his baby brother until Joss is out of the NICU, but he will be able to visit Mommy, who misses him already.


MacBensen said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Welcome Joss - may you write many wonderful tv scripts and screenplays that are filled with pop culture references and are only the teensiest bit angsty. Much much love and hugs, anna, noah, nina & ewan.

Heather said...

Wow! What a story! Congratulations to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! From JetBlue Airways. This was one time you were glad to have your flight delayed. We are pleased Mommy and Joss are both doing well.