Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pee-Pee in the Pot-tay!

Mommy was just about to put Paul into the bathtub tonight, when she asked him if he'd like to try making pee-pee* on the potty. He was enthusiastic about the idea, and sat right down. After a minute or two he stood up and. . .there was pee in the potty!! Mommy called Daddy into the bathroom, and there was much clapping and cheering for Paul!

It may have been a fluke, but it's also a first step!

*This is in direct contrast to the last time we asked Paul to make a pee on the potty, when he took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and squealed "PEEEEEEEEEEE" as loud as he could.

1 comment:

MacBensen said...

Does he give lessons?