Sunday, December 20, 2009

Paul goes feral.

After an exhilarating 10 minutes of playing in the snow, we had to find other types of entertainment for the afternoon.

Paul put Mr Potato Head in his new play oven (Mrs. Potato Head was not amused), and fed Mommy, Daddy, Ernie (sans Bert), and Bear some "soup" and plastic pizza wedges.

Then, Paul put Monkey in the oven, and that's when the hilarity got out of control. . .

Feral Paul bit monkey, and began to make noises like a mad dog, while Mommy and Daddy were on the floor laughing hysterically.
Then, Paul began to run around the house, with monkey in his mouth. Here's some video, sorry it's kind of "Blair Witchy."

Eh, I guess you had to be there.

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