Saturday, December 5, 2009

Blog Post Catch Up!

It has come to our attention that we have been remiss in updating the blog (I've heard your nagging, Bubbie Barbara!). We beg forgiveness on the basis of constant and exceedingly strenuous gestation, and are proud to present the following pics.

Thanks to Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Steve for some additional pics from our family outing on November 11th, and the rest of the month. . .

Cousin Asher loves ribs, and Uncle Shawn loves. . .braaaaiiiiinssssss!
Paul is also partial to the ribs. . .brains must be a taste he'll develop later on. . .
Chaos himself would surrender to the combined forces of Paul and Asher. . .
(November 12, 2009)

Paul always gets a lift from Cousin Sophia.
(November 13, 2009)
What Paul learned from Cousin Asher:
And what Paul has learned from the cat. . .
(November 20, 2009)

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