Sunday, December 27, 2009

Oh, these little earthquakes. . .

Here they come again. . .

Be-Bop, Be-Bop.

Paul is a robot. Be-bop.


I love you!
And Safta covered me with Chanukkah Stickers.

This is how he rolls, homes.


Merry Christmas / Shabbat Shalom!

On Friday, we were invited to a Shabbat-mas dinner at Martin and Deb's house, along with some other Zamir folk. We had a lovely time, a wonderful Shabbat dinner, and Paul had a blast playing with Livia's toys. . .and with Livia. . .

Paul likes to color in a basket.


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Paul goes feral.

After an exhilarating 10 minutes of playing in the snow, we had to find other types of entertainment for the afternoon.

Paul put Mr Potato Head in his new play oven (Mrs. Potato Head was not amused), and fed Mommy, Daddy, Ernie (sans Bert), and Bear some "soup" and plastic pizza wedges.

Then, Paul put Monkey in the oven, and that's when the hilarity got out of control. . .

Feral Paul bit monkey, and began to make noises like a mad dog, while Mommy and Daddy were on the floor laughing hysterically.
Then, Paul began to run around the house, with monkey in his mouth. Here's some video, sorry it's kind of "Blair Witchy."

Eh, I guess you had to be there.

Paul's first real snow-day!

While this is technically Paul's third winter, he never really went out in the snow to play. Because of this, Mommy and Daddy were woefully underprepared, despite knowing that there's bound to be snow at least once in New England in any given year.

Paul carbo-loads before heading out, in an 18-month snow suit, 1 size too big boots, and last year's mittens.
All decked out in makeshift gear.

Oh, what fun it is to ride in a Shawn-drawn sled tonight. . .
It's all fun and games until you get some snow on your face, your mittens are falling down, and your boot comes off enough to look like you have a horrible ankle injury. . . Can I come inside now? It's been an awfully long 10 minutes outside. . .
Video: Paul on the sled.

Video: Daddy makes a snow angel, Paul only wants to be picked up.

Video: Luckily, Paul very much enjoyed his hot chocolate apres snow.

Have you ever tried to take a Passport photo of a toddler?

Well, it ain't easy. . .


Happy Hannukkah 2009 - Night 8

Paul is a huge fan of Mommy's "happy hat." And of wearing his yarmulke on top.It took 8 nights, but Paul finally got the idea of presents. . .and he loves them.
Happy Hanukkah!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Happy Hannukkah 2009 - Night 5

Tonight, Paul got a present from Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Steve. . .which Daddy spent a few hours assembling (and swearing at profusely) this morning. . .
With Grandma Shelly on Skype, the kitchen set was revealed to much delight. Then Paul opened some presents from Mommy and Daddy - what a surprise, they go with the kitchen theme!
Paul loved putting pots, pans, and lids in the different cupboards. . .
. . .and after checking the oven. . .
. . .Paul and Daddy had pizza! Time to do the dishes!
Now, where did I put that spatula?

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Happy Hannukkah 2009 - Night 3

We went to visit Uncle Eric, and Cousins Jacob, Sophia, and Asher for the third night of Hanukkah (Aunt Andi was away on business - we missed you, Aunt Andi!!). Candles were lit, songs sing, dancing was frenetic, and the present opening ecstatic. . .

Here are pictures of the carnage. . .
We ate a lot of Chinese food, had a very good time, and left just Uncle Eric was about to begin the daunting task of assembling Asher's Playmobile Pirate Ship.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Going to a Baby Naming

This morning, we went to our new friend Ilan's baby naming (he was very premature, and had his bris at the hospital to be safe). But first, Paul needed to get some texting done. . .

Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Hannukkah 2009!

Paul did NOT like seeing his friends, the candles, being set on fire.
Paul did, however, love his Hanukah present!
Foam floor tiles with the alphabet and numbers 0-9!

Paul also enjoyed a latke dipped in applesauce. But not as much as he loved having "eye keem" for dessert. (That's "ice cream" for those not fluent in Toddler.)
One night down, 7 more to go! Happy Chanukah!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Big Boy Bed!!

After much frantic scrambling and gathering of miscellaneous debris, Mommy and Daddy finally cleared out and set up Paul's new bedroom!

While the decor is still lacking finesse, the room is functional and reasonably safe, so we experimented this afternoon with a nap in the Big Boy Bed:
Despite some initial jumping out of bed and rattling of the baby gate across the door (placed to prevent him from rummaging through the non-child-proofed upstairs half bath and falling down the stairs), Paul settled down to a short, but decent, nap.

Tonight, while climbing upstairs, Daddy asked Paul if he wanted to sleep in his Big Boy Bed or in his crib, and Paul clearly said, "Big Boy Bed!"

Can you find Paul under all his blankets and toys?
Fingers crossed for a good night!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Less than impressed with Aladdin

(With apologies to Robin Williams.)

More videos than in 24 hours on MTV


New Food: PPJ

Thanksgiving Chaos



Happy Thanksgiving 2009!

Weils gathered at Uncle Eric and Aunt Andi's house for another epic feast of fried turkey and amazing accouterments. . .but first, some T-ball!