Friday, January 30, 2009

Boston Children's Museum

I had a day off to spend with Paul. So, while mommy was at the Yankee Dental Conference, we went to the Boston Children's Museum!

Paul loved the trains. More trains, please!

Up the netty ladder...

...into the giant tree playhouse!

Mommy and Daddy have a new car; now I do!

Back to the trains.

I love this tube. Here I come, Daddy!

Here I come - the video

I DO need a haircut, Mommy.

Holding Daddy's hand - and WALKING!

Tiny Tiny Tonic

Mmmm ... crunchy stars in harmony. Must be slaw time!

Crayola Canapés

What are these colorful, waxy sticks? They look so tasty - I MUST EAT THEM

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tired and Hungry at the dealership

We got a new (to us) car last night! Well, we shopped for it on Saturday, but there was a minor title issue that was resolved Monday, and we picked it up last night! Little did we know, that it would take over an hour for the dealership to have us sign some forms and run our credit card. . .

This picture was taken around 7pm - a time when Paul is used to being already fed and getting ready for a bath, not hanging out at a car store, without dinner, waiting for Daddy to install a carseat in the freezing dark. . .

Friday, January 23, 2009

15-month Doctor Appointment

Friday, Paul had his 15-month dr appointment. While waiting for the doctor, Paul had a little picnic on the exam table. . .
Paul weighed in at 25.4# (63% up from 47%), 31" (48% down from 66% - he only grew 3/4 inch since last time? seems off to me, but this is what we got. . .), and a head circ of 18.5" (45% - down from 69%).

He also has ear infections in BOTH EARS. Go figure.

Oh, he's also in the 99% for goofiness, and 87% for silly (up from 77% last visit).

Thursday, January 22, 2009

15th Luniversary!!

We've had 15 months of Pauly goodness as of today!

Playing with his cell phone . . .

The real reason for the collapse of Citibank. . .

. . .using baby brokers. . .

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

More sleep, please...

...and enough with this "sick" thing, already!

Hello, POLICE? I'd like to report my Mommy and Daddy.

Yes Operator, I'm Paul Andrew, thank you for calling back after I DIALED 911 ON THE REAL PHONE ALL BY MYSELF AND THEN HUNG UP WHEN YOU ANSWERED. . .
No, I guess it's not an emergency per se, but they want me to go to bed now, and I don't want to. . . Yes, I understand that I should not call 911 anymore, and my Daddy promises to watch me more carefully in the future. . .

. . .uh-huh. . .uh-huh. . .mmmmm, yes. . . uh-huh. . .OK, I've gotta go, thanks again, 911 operator!

This dramatic production was based on real events which happened last night. No actual emergencies happened, and the 911 operator only yelled at Daddy for a little bit after confirming that everyone was safe.

More playing today

Paul walking - sort of

So, Paul walked from the bottom of the stairs to the end of the babycage by the dining room table with the alligator walker. . .but then refused to repeat the feat for posterity. Mommy, however, was very excited to watch history being made today.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Radio Flyer!

Shawn took the opportunity of having both sick members of his family napping to assemble Paul's birthday present from Uncle Eric and Aunt Andi. . . When Paul woke up, he was ready to ride!

Thanks for the Honeybells, Grandma and Grandpa!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another teef!!

The bottom right lateral broke through! Paul was so thrilled, he decided to text everyone he knows. . .

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Play Date

Today, Paul's friend Georgia came over to play. Only, when she arrived, Paul was in the middle of his nap! So, Georgia played with Paul's daddy instead. . .

Finally, Paul woke up, and he and Georgia finally got to play a little. . .then it was time for lunch. . .and then Georgia needed a nap. When Georgia woke up, she and Paul got to play some more - which mostly consisted of Georgia picking up a toy and Paul crawling over to take it away. . .
Oh, and stair races!

Everybody wins!
P.S. Feel better, K and B!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Fun at Ikea

I'm hoping that when Paul gets older, he'll think of Ikea as the home of some relative. . .that it'll linger on the sides of his memories, and eventually come up in adult conversations like some kids talk about camp, or Grandma's house. . . Oh yes, I used to go to Ikea all the time, he'll remember, didn't every kid?


Lousy cell phone pic of Paul on a rocking Moose. . .

Paul playing with an inflatable hedgehog (which I had to get), an inflatable turtle (which I did not get), and a tunnel (which I wanted to get, but he just wasn't that into it. . .). He also loved the tents, so we'll have to find and open the one we got for last summer (and never used).
He also ate his body weight in meatballs and macaroni, after nearly pulling our lunch tray down onto my head (thank you, kind gentleman, who swooped over from your table to rescue our meal and my blouse!). . .
Ikea . . . not a store . . . an experience . . .


The four centrals are in, and a molar on the upper right. . .
Teefs all gones!
Bottom teefs, too!!

Maniacal Laughter

So Paul started complaining about something, and I started complaining back. (By complaining, I mean yelling. He has no volume control.) After a while, we both realized this was the funniest thing ever. Listen to his belly laughs!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Paul uses a fork. . .kinda. . .

From last night. . .we were less successful tonight. . .but he's just popped another tooth or two, so whaddya want from him? Yes, Paul has 7 teeth in 7 weeks - 5 on top, 2 below. Thank heavens for infant Tylenol and Hyland's teething tablets!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Teefs! Teefs! Oh, the teefs!

Mr. Paul Andrew "Admiral Poopy Pants" Weil has gone from zero to 5 teeth in about as many weeks. . .

The two bottom teeth have come up enough to look adorable, despite their razor-sharp edges that cut through a tin can right before slicing a tomato. . .

His top centrals are coming in now - the left one has broken through, the right one is just under the gum. . . the top right lateral continues to come out slowly, despite being the first tooth to actually cut through his gums. . .

And we just found an upper right MOLAR coming in - one edge has already cut through the gum. . .

Why do anything according to the usual standards and traditions, right Paul?


So, for dinner tonight, I made hamburgers. As per usual, I broke up some 'burger into baby-bite pieces for Paul, which he began to gobble happily.

Then he watched me assemble my hamburger sandwich - using avocado and lettuce on a bun. And then he only wanted my hamburger. More than he ever wanted anything else before in his whole life.

What could I do? I made him a hamburger sandwich (less the lettuce). . .