Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Psst! Wanna Buy a Duck?

Paul's first. . .word. . .is Quack. Well, Ack, like he's some Bloom County character. He's been saying Quack for a few days now, but we have been unable to get it on tape. . .until tonight. . .

While watching Sesame Street this evening (the storyline involving a duck who forgot how to quack, and said Moo instead), Paul Quacked back at the TV - very cute.

Then later, during dinner. . .

Well, almost. . . how about now?

Not quite. . .now?

Yes! Yes!! Quack, Paul, Quack! (he Quacks at about 0:30)

On an amusing side note, when Paul does not want to eat whatever is in his mouth (placed either by a parent or by himself - doesn't matter which) he does this swiping, tongue-wiping thing. . .

(He's a bit of a drama queen. . .)

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