Wednesday, November 12, 2008

New Food: Kiddie Menu!

Today, after taking his 12-month vaccinations like a trooper (a ticked-off trooper, but he's entitled to that. . .), Paul and I went into Brookline in search of beef bones for soup (FAIL!), chicken bones for soup (WIN!), and a stroll in the sunshine (WIN!).

We stopped at Panera for brunch, and Paul had his very own grilled cheese sandwich from the kiddie menu - that's the first time I've ever ordered a separate meal for him. He loved the grilled cheese - even more so when smeared with some of my cream cheese - and his little mind was totally blown by the tube of yogurt that came with his meal. He also enjoyed watching me fill his bottle from a little juice-box carton of milk.

On a side note, I'm having a very difficult time dealing with his new favorite game: He takes some food from his tray or plate, and dangles his hand over the side of his chair. Once he's established eye contact with me, he then, very thoughtfully, very purposefully, drops the food on the floor. I shake my head, say no in a low, serious voice, and he does it again, this time with even MORE deliberation. One one hand, it's exasperating and messy. On the other, it's very funny to see a baby so defiant, and it takes everything I've got to keep a stern face and not dissolve into giggles.

I'm going to be a poor mother if I keep finding his misbehaviors clever and funny. . .

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