Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hanging out at Grandma and Grandpa's house on Sunday. . .

Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Steve have finally finished unpacking (except for the spare room, but we won't think about that for now)! And they have an awesome rug! Let's hang out!
Why yes, I would love luncheon out on the patio. . .thank you, Grandpaw.
Whatchu talkin 'bout, Mommy?
Asher is going to make a fine surgeon. . .and we'll call Uncle Eric "9-Fingers Eric."
Paul and Uncle "9-Fingers Eric"

Paul exploring the world of Sophia's hair. . .

The adults watch as Paul tries to make Sophia bald. . .

There's a big world, er, yard, out there to explore. . .

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