Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Safta!

Today was Safta's Birthday! Paul woke mommy up at 4am so she could decorate Safta's bedroom door while Safta was sleeping. . .

Paul enjoyed his Safta's house bouncy seat - finally something new to look at!

Shenanigans over a binky with honorary Aunts Jes and Cindy, and Jack who claims that babies are "no good". . .

Oh, Jack, you are such a funny guy! (Paul is laughing too, behind his bottle. . .)

Honorary Aunts Jes and Cindy have a serious talk with Paul about his future goals, career path, and how he plans to achieve his objectives. . .

Birthday Dinner! Amy and Warren and Safta and Mommy went out to dinner for Safta's birthday!

Safta tries to feed Paul some rice cereal. . .hilarity ensued (see video in next post). . .
What a busy day!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Paul reports that he is considering a career in something that hasn't even been invented yet. I prodded him for details, but he was tightlipped.