Sunday, March 9, 2008

Another busy day

After a good night's sleep - less one hour for DST - Paul, Mommy, and Safta went shopping while Daddy kept busy about the house.

When we got back, it was time to say "goodbye for now" to Safta. . .

. . .but not before a good stretch! (video below)

After Safta hit the road to NY, Paul enjoyed his rocking chair. . .

. . .played with the spinny toy Safta brought. . .
. . . and took a little nap on Mommy.

Then it was time to get changed for bed. Paul looooves getting undressed. . . (video below)

If only he liked getting into his clothes as much as he enjoys being taken out of them . . . hopefully, he'll outgrow this phase before college. Hopefully.

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