Sunday, March 30, 2008


Today, Paul and Safta shared a last bottle before he left for home. See you in about two weeks for Pesach, Safta!

When we got home, we found that Daddy had cleaned up the Jumparoo! Yippee! Jumparoo! Jumparoo! Jump up, jump up and get down!

Chillizing with Uncle Adam & Aunt Jill

Chillizing with Safta

Watch how he goes for the boobs. . .future Hugh Hefner over here. . .

Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Safta!

Today was Safta's Birthday! Paul woke mommy up at 4am so she could decorate Safta's bedroom door while Safta was sleeping. . .

Paul enjoyed his Safta's house bouncy seat - finally something new to look at!

Shenanigans over a binky with honorary Aunts Jes and Cindy, and Jack who claims that babies are "no good". . .

Oh, Jack, you are such a funny guy! (Paul is laughing too, behind his bottle. . .)

Honorary Aunts Jes and Cindy have a serious talk with Paul about his future goals, career path, and how he plans to achieve his objectives. . .

Birthday Dinner! Amy and Warren and Safta and Mommy went out to dinner for Safta's birthday!

Safta tries to feed Paul some rice cereal. . .hilarity ensued (see video in next post). . .
What a busy day!

Some videos from today

Discovering - and trying to eat - new toys:

Watching - and trying to eat - a blasting off alien/bug with honorary Aunt Cindy:

Food fight with Safta:

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hello Daddy!

We're in NY, safe and sound with Safta Sheila. We love you!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Paul found his feet!

Well, at least he found the ponies on his toesies - he's never noticed any of the myriad of animals that have been on his feet before! He's also been pivoting when on his tummy (still working on pivoting sofas), and standing nearly on his own - we provide balance, but not weight support!

Whachu Talkin 'Bout, Willis?

Monday, March 24, 2008

What a cutie!

. . . and the baby is adorable, too!

Playing with Daddy:

Rice Cereal

We gave Paul some Rice Cereal today - supposed to be easier on a baby's tummy than oatmeal, but Paul seems to be a bit upset this evening. . .

At least he enjoyed the eating part. . .

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Our Day at the Museum

Yesterday, Daddy and Mommy took Paul on his first post-natal trip to a museum (he went to the Harvard Museum of Natural History in utero). We went to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, and had a lovely time.

Paul was unimpressed by the gallery of 17-18th century European art, although he did remark on the neo-classical allegories inherent with use of Pieta imagery. . .
Paul was also not terribly interested in the Asian art, although Mommy was excited to see an ancient porcelain bead. . .
Paul seems to favor the modern stuff. . . specifically, plastic instruments.

5 Months BABY!

Who's fifth lunaversary is today?

Is it mine?
It IS mine!!

Happy 5th Lunaversary Paul!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Chag Purim Sameach

Happy Purim! We took Paul to shul for a cruise through the Purim Carnival and the reading of the Megillah - The Story of Esther. It's a festive, very noisy good time, and it's customary to dress in costume. Paul took the raucous cacophony in stride!

Super mommy!

Super daddy!

Super contemplative!

Super chill!

Super pooped!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Tummy Time!

Paul explores his world with his mouth.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Smiley Paul

Paul is ready for his visit to Binghamton next month - thanks Jon & Dina! See you soon!

What you do not see is mommy making the silliest faces at Paul from behind the camera. . .

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Paul finds his voice

Happy Birthday, Mike!

Friday was our friend Mike's birthday! The three of us joined Mike, his lovely wife Reiko, and their friend Marc for a Birthday Dinner at their apartment. Later, Mike's brother, Russ, joined us for dessert.

Mike, Paul, Russ
Beren, Paul, Russ

Reiko brings in the cake!

Oooohhhhh. . .

Make a wish, Mike!

Yeah! Bubble wrap!

Paul gives the duck a piece of his mind. . .

So there!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

First (sort of) Solid Food!!!!

Today, Paul had his first "solid" food - baby oatmeal mixed with breast milk!
He seemed to like it; he just wasn't all too sure of what to do with it once it was in his mouth. He ate about a tablespoon, some of which actually made it into his belly!

The beginning of the eating:

The end of the eating. . .for today, anyway:

Itsy Bitsy Spider

for Aunt Margie:

The Devil's Haircut on My Mind. . .

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Baby speaks Klingon

Paul addresses his troops. . .in Klingon.