Thursday, August 21, 2014

NH Hiking Fun 2014

We took our third annual trip to New Hampshire to hike in the White Mountains and stay at an Appalachian Mountain Hut! This time we stayed at the Mizpah Spring Hut and climbed Mt. Pierce and Mt. Eisenhower. We made some friends and had a lot of fun on the way!

Look have we've changed since 2013 and 2012

Goofing around before the hike

Waterslide in a hotel?!? Yes, please!
Hiding on the rack

Gibbs Falls going up

Mizpah Game Room Balcony

Learning how to whittle

Lichen Nature Tour

What do you read on a mountain? An almanac, of course!

Hey you! What are you doing on this mountain?

Asher, intrepid explorer in the wilderness

The elusive Paul of the Whites

Top of Mt. Pierce

The Hills Are Alive

Sunny Group Shot

Making friends on the mountain

Photographer capturing bigfoot

Best cousins

Snacks on Mt. Eisenhower

I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles

Group shot on Mt. Eisenhower

Father and son making their way down

Getting weird on the mountain

This seems like a nice place for a rest

Paul joined this group of guys

Learning how to whittle from the master

Sunny shot

Paul and I in the hut

Dragon hands!

Asher and Eric can do dragon hands too

The biggest huggy hugs with Uncle Eric

Junior Naturalist Ceremony

Day 2 Friends

Paul making his way down

Asher at Gibbs Falls

Almost down!
We had a great time!

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