Saturday, August 31, 2013

Best of FB - Aug 2013 Edition

Here are some kid related highlights from our FB threads in August. We've got some funny kids!

  • Paul is in an after school program that goes until 6:00, but I picked him up at 4:30 because I was concerned that he might be over-tired and over-simulated. Bad: When they brought him to me he was inconsolably upset. Good: He was upset because he wanted to stay "seven hours longer." 
  • At the second of three Kindergarten transition events for Paul this morning. He was so excited he was running in circles. When offered a tour of his new classroom, he simply grabbed his new teacher's hand and pulled her inside the building. 
  • Shawn had the "Birds & Bees" talk with Paul tonight. When I was done, I asked him if he had any questions. He answered "Yes. Daddy, why does water put out fire"? 
  • Beren asked Joss how high he could count. He began counting in a squeaky voice, that reached bat-sonar frequencies. Smarty pants.

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