Monday, January 24, 2011

I love my gay fish son.

Daddy: *looking over Paul's daily report from day care* So, you had fish sticks for lunch?
Paul: Yeah.
Mommy: Paul, do you like fish sticks? *giggling*
P: Yes.
D: *aside, to Mommy* Did you ask that on purpose?
M: *snickering* Yes! *more snickering*
D: Paul, where did you put the fish sticks?
P: In my mouth!
M: *shaking with laughter*

D: Paul, how many fish sticks could you fit in your mouth at one time?
P: One, two, three!

M: *uncontrollable laughter, to the point of tears* Oh, it hurts!
P: Mommy, do you need a hug?
M: Oh, sweetie, Mommy's laughing so hard it hurts her belly!
Joss: *looks on in concerned confusion*

For those reading who are terribly confused, please reference the brilliant "Do You Like Fish Sticks?" South Park episode:
*Whole episode at South Park Studios
*Read the recap at

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