Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Bolton Fair!

Today, we braved the 90+ degree heat, and went to The Bolton Fair! It has been ages since mommy and daddy went to a proper fair, and this was Paul's first time!

A horse show was beginning just as we arrived. The horses and ponies were ridden by children/young teens, and Paul was mesmerized.
Then we found the petting zoo! For 50 cents we bought a cup of animal feed, and showed Paul how to feed the cows, and horses, and donkeys, and llamas, and goats, and sheep. . . Cows have very long tongues, and llama's have very large bottom front teeth. Just FYI.
Paul also got to pet a bunny. Pat the Bunny, too.
Paul also saw baby bunnies, and some ducklings.
We hope Paul didn't get any ideas from watching the kids butting heads. . .
Paul also had his first corn dog and funnel cake, some BBQ, ices, lemonade, and saw 2 magic shows and tables of prize-winning vegetables. It was a jam-packed - and very, very hot - 3 hours.
Can't wait for next year!

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