Paul finally cut his first tooth! I think it's "D," the upper right lateral (see chart below:)
His gums - top and bottom - have been red and swollen for weeks, but besides from bulging shapes under the skin, there had been no sign of actual toothage. . .
Tonight, as I was getting him ready for his bath, I was able to take a peek (and by take a peek, I mean try to look through the flailing limbs and the so-loud-there-was-distortion-to-the-surrounding-air screaming) and saw the unmistakable flash of white tooth slashing through the gum. . .
I don't know if he realizes it's there - beyond the obvious "Hey, this area hurts like heck," of course. Poor little guy. . . Well, one down, 19 more to go!
Congratulations! Teeth are very useful.
Yeah! A tooth!
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