Monday, October 13, 2008

Paul systematically tries to destroy Safta's house.

Empty house. Newly developed powers of rapid locomotion. Boy with thirst for chaos. Like 22 pounds of swarming locusts, the destroyer begins his rampage. . .
Yeah, right. A turtle - a mutated, teenage turtle - who has ninja skills? Like that flimsy premise would ever fly. . . Oh. Cartoons and movies? He's sitting behind me, right?
Art schmart. Where is the velvet Elvis?
Ooooh, I can do some damage here. . .
This looks like a good banging stick. . .

Two banging sticks! Mwah-ha-ha-ha!
The pages in these books are so thin and flimsy. . .like paper, or something. . . I bet they taste like words. . .mmmmmm. . .

If I cut the brake line here - Oh, nothing. Nothing going on here. *whistles nonchalantly*

They're heeeeerrrrreeeee. . . no, just kidding. Heh. Seriously, I want more acorns. . . Out, please?

Ooh, recycling. . .and a crock pot cord. . .and cups. . .and recycling. . .

Must bang metal can on floor repeatedly. . .and shred and attempt to eat all this wonderful paper. . .and empty closet of all plastic bags. . .and bang things against other things. . .must keep moving. . .uunnhhhhh. . . . *snore*

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