Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What's In A Name (2)

Ashkenazi Judaism has wonderful naming traditions. Typically people of Eastern European Jewish ancestry will name children after departed relatives. Because of this, names can stay in the family for generations.

I mentioned yesterday that Paul is named for three people. The first is his grandfather, Paul Ornstein. Paul, in turn, was named for his maternal great-grandmother (Perel Gologorsky) and (I need to check this when I get home) his paternal great-grandfather (Nachman Ornstein). Paul’s middle name is Andrew, after his great-uncle Andrew Rosenblum. Andrew, in turn, was named for his great-grandfather, Aaron Hyman (Aharon Chiam) Meltzer. We’ve taken Chiam for the Hebrew middle name. I’m not sure who my great-grandmother, Chaika Broitman, was named for, but I’m sure it was somebody special.

For the record, those folks were little Paul’s “third great-grandparents” (i.e., his great-great-great-grandparents).

I hope that one day Paul will have his own namesake. Hopefully that will be 100 years from now!

1 comment:

Betti said...

I just read your post about your Son Paul and his great grandfather Nachman Ornstein -
I am seacrhing for realtives of Nachman Ornstein from Germany - because still there is a claim. Please contact me if you are relatet ..