Here are some kid related highlights from our FB threads in September. We've got some funny kids!
- Upon hearing that Grandma Rochelle and Grandpa Steve are leaving tomorrow morning, Paul says "I'm going to miss them 148%." Joss asks if we can visit then the day after tomorrow.
- Have I mentioned that every time Paul makes his own Lego creations they are perfectly symmetrical. That's not weird, right?
- Paul: Daddy, there's a spider. Don't do it any harm because it's not harming us.......Ok, it's harming us now. Can you come here?
- Beren, a minute and a half later: No, we are NOT having a PET SPIDER!!!!
- Joss just fell out of bed with quite the thunk and cry. I grabbed him up for kisses and comfort, and asked him what happened. He wailed, "I...don't...KNOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW."
- Paul just fell asleep, sitting up on the couch, watching Superman. Probably because he was up somewhat before 5am today. Sorry no pics - we just scooped and plopped him into bed.
- Just scraped 3-years worth of dried up Play-Doh out of the Play-Doh burger press with an awl, so I can count today as being productive.