Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Parades! part 2

It's starting! Fire truck!
The whole gang.

Memorial Day Parades! part 1

Since the town parade goes right past our house, we figured a parade watchin' party was in order. . .
Paul decided to start the parade early. . .
. . .and our friends joined right in!
This giant boy beat Joss in the premie department - look how huge (and cute) he is!
Is the parade coming now?

A man and his monkey-boy.

Practicing patriotic songs in advance of the parades.
Happy Memorial Day!

They're so lovely when they're asleep.

Big shoes to fill

Aftermath of the Witching Hour.

Attack of the Joss!!

When babies attack!
When big brother's hug!
Tickle attack!
Baby bomb!
Don't worry, he's fine. =)

Paul wants to Join Safta's Book Group.

(The book is Rashi's Daughter.)