Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Random Paul Pic Round-up
Hanging out at Grandma & Grandpa's - part 2
The long-promised Brit Milah pictures.
There are many far more excellent pictures over here, with thanks to Adam Solomon.
He has NO idea, does he?
We all prepare for a Bris in our own way. . .
He has NO idea, does he?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Joss' Bris

More pictures to come (with thanks to Adam Solomon), in the meantime, here's a 25 minute video (Thanks a million, Mike Feinberg):
Joss' Bris from Shawn Weil on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
8 week check-up
Joss had an excellent 8 week check-up today! He's grown over a pound and a half in the past 2 weeks (no wonder mommy is so tired) and is at the top of the growth curve for weight, height, and cute, er, head circumference.
He grabbed the measuring tape as the PA tried to take his measurements, and absolutely refused to let it go. Like, serious baby death-grip. He has a teeny hernia behind his belly button, but like his heart murmur (oh yeah, he has a little murmur - got the work-up in the NICU last month) it's benign and both should resolve themselves as he grows.
How to take the measure of a man.
He grabbed the measuring tape as the PA tried to take his measurements, and absolutely refused to let it go. Like, serious baby death-grip. He has a teeny hernia behind his belly button, but like his heart murmur (oh yeah, he has a little murmur - got the work-up in the NICU last month) it's benign and both should resolve themselves as he grows.
Joss is the exact same height and has the same head circumference as his brother did at 8 weeks. Joss "talks" a lot more than Paul did at this age, but like Paul, is only really fussy when he's gassy and when he's hungry (knock wood, spit at the evil eye).
Paul is always excited to say good morning to Joss, and eager to give his brother kisses when he comes home from daycare, and only steals Joss' blankets and toys some of the time.
Sunshine day
Saturday, April 3, Daddy grabbed fate by the throat and took both boys so Mommy could sleep (ooh-de-lolly!). They all went to play at Sonia and Kavi's house.
Paul and Kavi checking out the Jeep.
Hey - no drinking and driving!
Paul is navigator while Sonia drives - lets all hope he can read maps better than his Mommy!
Eliana, of Saffron and Cinnamon who is catering the bris, discusses the procedure with Joss. The procedure for making tapas, small bites. Sheesh.
Paul and Kavi checking out the Jeep.
Our friends Jeff and Erica stopped by to visit us on their way to NH to see a man about a dog. Paul went to their wedding in 2008, but this was their first time meeting Joss.

Where did Paul go? All I see are crayons!
Tantrums at the playground.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Paul, the Piano Man
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Another First: Ladders!
Paul has learned how to climb ladders. It started with his cousin's bunk bed, and now he can't get enough of them!
We call it "Paul-nocculation."
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