Sunday, July 26, 2009

780 mile weekend - part 5

Sunday, we went up to Albany to see some of Mommy's friends from High School that she hadn't seen for way, way too long. . .
Amanda, Julie, and Amanda's daughter Irene
Daddy and Julie's husband, Tom. Amanda's husband, Dave, was on travel, so we need to photoshop him in.
After a lunch that started with screaming (Paul), progressed with laughing (the adults) and potato chip eating (Paul), and ended with more screaming (Paul *sigh*), we said your good-byes, and travelled over to Troy to see one of Daddy's old friends from High School. . .
. . .where Paul found yet another dog to feed cheerios. . .

Brian, Lea, and us.

Whew! We drove about 780 miles this weekend!! Good thing we get to go back to work and school to get some rest on Monday, huh?
Thanks everybody - we had such a great time!!

780 mile weekend - part 4

After a false start thwarted by a passing rain storm, we finally made it to the beach!

Paul experimented with eating sand covered cheerios. . .we're still waiting to see if the silica he ingested leaves his system as little glass marbles. . .
A dude's gotta stay hydrated. . .and then Paul caged some Doritos from the family next to us. . .
Some light summer reading while Daddy and David tackled the waves. (Paul still does NOT like the ocean - an unexpectedly high reaching wave that knocked him face first into the sand really didn't help - but liked chasing the seagulls.)
Some people go to the beach and collect shells. And this beach had many shells - many of them still containing their clam and snail residents! However, Paul collected plastic bottle caps. (He knows the difference between green and yellow, and could say "green" and "yellow" so that was cool.)
Time to go home - can we take the dog?

780 mile weekend - part 3

Mommy has some pretty big shoes to fill. . .
Saturday, we drove all the way down to Breezy Point to meet our friends Ann and David's new baby, Will.
Will is 3 months old, and seems to like the world so far. . .
. . .but not nearly as much as Paul loved feeding the dog, Friday, cereal from his snack trap. . .

780 mile weekend - part 2

Friday night, Jes, and Shawn, and Annabelle, and Cindy came over for dinner. We had a great time having snacks, and watching Cindy's swollen feet expand! =)Gotta hydrate!

780 mile weekend - part 1

Thursday night, Paul had dinner, took his bath, and got into his PJs. Then, he got into the car? Yes - we all drove down to Safta's house Thursday night! Paul was fine sleeping in the car, but was not happy to wake up in a strange bed.

Friday, Paul got to play with Safta in the morning, take a looong nap, and then went down to NJ to visit with Bubbie Rose! Paul had a great time demonstrating all his animal noises!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

When I said "Let's take a ride to school,"

I didn't mean on a tiger!

(Happy 21st Luniversary!!!)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I can totally feed myself "messy" foods with a spoon. . .
. . .it's really not so difficult.
I mean, I can do cereal, and sandwiches, and oooh chicken fingers, this isn't really any different.
Goop in spoon, spoon in mouth. . .
Hey Mommy, I did it! How about a kiss!!

Sunday BBQ with Family!

Paul chills with his Aunt Andi, Uncle Eric, Sophia, and Asher on Sunday afternoon. . .

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Why so serious?

Just kidding!!
Wanna see me count my toes, then tickle myself?

Bowling like you've never seen before. . .

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our Brilliant Son - Animal Sounds

Paul also loves Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?

Our Brilliant Son - Counting

Counting! He loves the Ten Friendly Fish book, and has us read it with him constantly. . .

Many faces of Paul

Today, I turned the camera screen around so Paul could see himself, and I aimed the shot with the old-fashioned window view-finder. Paul had such a great time watching himself have his pictures took!

Paul is a busy man. . .

After going to the local hardware store, super market, and farmer's market, Paul still had lots of things to do on Friday. Like ride his tiger. . .
. . .mow the floor. . .
. . .and keep hydrated.
Lots of hydration.
I have no idea why he needed to mow me too. . .the curious minds of toddlers. . .

Friday, July 17, 2009

Shop Locally. . .

. . .Nap Globally.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yahd Sale!

Last weekend we had a mondo 2-day yard sale! We gathered together tons of stuff from around the house, and people came, and actually gave us money to take our junk away! It was awesome! Mike and James joined us for a little while for moral support!
Grandma Shelly watched over Paul a lot over the weekend - storing up Paul hugs for when they go to Italy for 3 weeks!
Day two of the yard sale - much of the good stuff was gone, but we still did pretty well. . .when Shawn wasn't threatening potential buyers with the hose. =)
OK, had enough, I'm leaving, g'bye!

Sprinkler Fun? Part 3

Wait, this doesn't look too bad. . .
No! Never mind! It does look that bad! Turn it off!!
Now, I'm going back - I just wanna see how it works. . .
Don't. Turn. The. Water. On.*&#$&!!!! Daddy $%^* #$#%&*!!! ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!