Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My baby is a Gerber baby

Despite Mommy's efforts to avoid jarred food, we relented and bought some Gerber sweet potatoes today. . .and the pic below is the result:

After a hearty meal, Paul played with his blocks. . .

Yup, he's sitting better and better!
Oh Paul, there are better places to rest your sweet head!
Today, Mommy and Paul visited his day care center. We met the nice ladies and babies of the infant room. Paul felt right at home, flirting with the women and shaking hands with the boys. Mommy can't believe that very soon, Paul will be spending three days a week in day care!

Missed Monday night!

Mommy put Paul down in his Pack n Play for just a minute to check on dinner, and the little monkey gets himself in to mischief!
Yes, I'm talking about you!

Then Daddy fed Paul some dinner. . .
. . .Paul was not amused. . .

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Paul chillz with the ladies. . .

Today, we went over to Kara, Brendan, and Georgia's house to celebrate Brendan's birthday with them and some of their friends. What better an excuse to take half-naked baby pictures?

From left: Emma, Paul, Georgia

Paul explores his "softer" side. . .

Coy. . .
Fierce. . .
Dreamy. . .
Hot-tranny-mess (super fierce). . .

So far away. . .

. . .doesn't any baby stay in one place anymore. . .it would be so fine if you wouldn't scoot back anymore. . .how I wish you wouldn't scoot so far away. . .*
*Apologies to Carole King.

Grandma and Solids

Saturday, Paul got to hang out a little with Grandma Shelly and Grandpa Steve. . .

Later that night, Daddy had a bit of a time trying to get Paul to eat his rice cereal and sweet potatoes. . .

A fake-out maneuver with a bottle was successful. . .
. . .for a time. . .

Friday, April 25, 2008

What a trooper. . .

Despite a vaccine-induced fever, spiking at 101.9, Paul managed to get through the day by mewling pitifully, nursing for hours at a time, and napping on Mommy. He managed to rally in the evening for a bit of play time with some blocks. . .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

6 month Dr Appt

Some days, it's tough being a baby. . .and this was first thing this morning!

Paul started out in the center of the orange mat, facing approximately 2 o'clock. . .

Mommy caught you scooting!

Yuppers, lock up the cleaning products, block the outlets, Paul is scooting backwards. . . sometimes. . .

Paul also had his 6-month Dr appointment today. He is now 17.8 lbs (up a little over a pound - now 56%), 26.2" tall (up a whopping two inches - 43%), with a head circumference of 17.2" (up an inch - 52%). He's hitting all his milestones, was charming for Dr. Barron, and took his shots like a man - screaming, sniffling, and then looking for boobies.

Speaking of manliness in babies, Admiral Poopy-Pants has finally discovered his below decks. We are so proud.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Thanks for 6 wonderful months, lil Paul! What a big boy you are!!
6 months

1 month
a few minutes

Passover Pics

We had two wonderful Seders this year. Here are a few photos.

Paul studying up

Seder 1 - Safta Sheila's:

Are you going to put wine in my bottle, Safta?

The assembled masses trying to figure out Red Sea miracle math

Seder 2: Grandma Shelly & Grandpa Steve's

A montly crew enjoying the last Mohawk Ave Seder.

The aftermath with me, Grandma Shelly, and Bubbe Rose

Meeting some great friends: Jeff and Erika

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lunching with the Ladies. . .and Daddy.

Today, Paul, Daddy, and Mommy had a pre-Pesach last meal with Mommy's good friend-from-High-School Jodi (in the orange) and long-lost-friend-from-camp Susie (in the black) at the Brite Star Diner.

Fun - and chumetz - was had by all.

A Boy, a Bubbie, and a Bear.

One potato, two potato, sweet potato, more?

Paul tried sweet potato on Friday. He wasn't that into them, but as a birthday present to Mommy he didn't urp them up in a gross, orange fountain, either. (Best present ever!)

Alas, poor Green Spoon, I knew him well, Horatio. . .